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Journey into History | On the Bike not only to see Nativity Scenes | Baroque North | To Kunětická Hora | Around the Woods in the Hradec Region | Orlice River Nature Reserve | cyclobuses - Timetables

Past the Sand-pit Ponds to Kunětická Hora

( 46.7 km, an easy route, road and trekking bikes )
This route leads through the East-Elbe Plateau and Pardubice Hollow. On the way, there are several possibilities for swimming. The aim of the journey is viewing several beautiful sand-pit ponds in the territory between Hradec Králové and Pardubice, but also an opportunity to visit a castle on Kunětická Mountain. From the car park it is forbidden to ride bikes.

The starting point is in Kukleny, then ride through Plačice, Praskačka to Sedlice (cycle route no 4198). From here ride to Staré Ždánice and Stéblová to Kunětická Hora. On the way back you will travel through Dříteč and Vysoká nad Labem (cycle route no 24).

Projekt je podporován Královéhradeckým krajem.