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Lernpfade | Ein urzeitliches Dorf Všestary

Ein urzeitliches Dorf Všestary

Ein urzeitliches Dorf VšestaryThere is another place of interest revealing more about the history of Chlum much older than the history of the battle. In the municipality area of the Všestary village, outside the Chlum battlefield, a prehistoric village is found. This village is a part of the exhibition of the Centre for Experimental Archaeology of the Faculty of Education in Hradec Králové. It is a model construction of a prehistoric settlement which was created using solely prehistoric procedures and technologies. On your visit you will not only be shown round the village by a guide, but in the second part of the tour, you will be taken to a roofed exposition during which a film by the Department of Experimental Archaeology is shown.
Öffnungszeiten : +420 493 331 522 - zur Zeit ist die einzige Möglichkeit, die Ausstellung zu sehen, eine Vorabbestellung.

Projekt je podporován Královéhradeckým krajem.